Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC)
Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC)
What is Employee Retention Tax Credit
Employee Retention Credit is a fully refundable tax credit provided under CARES Act to encourage businesses to keep employees on their payroll. Most of the small and medium business entities are eligible to this credit if they have employees on payroll and they were impacted by pandemic. The impact may be partial or full shut down of the business or substantial decrease on their revenue.
For 2020
The credit is equal to 50% of wages of the employee. The maximum amount of qualifying wages per employee is $10,000. In simple words, an employer can get refund up to $5,000 per employee or 50% of the wages paid whichever is lower.
The business should have been shutdown or partially shut down or there is reduction of revenue by 50% during the same quarter compared to 2019 quarters.
For 2021
The credit for 2021 is 70% of wages per employee per quarter till September 30, 2021 (before October 1, 2021). The maximum eligible wages per quarter is 70% of quarterly wages of a employee or $7,000 per employee whichever is lower.
The business revenue is decreased by more than 20% compared to the same quarter in 2019.
Total amount of credit for both the year can be $26,000 per employee. Business that was not existed in 2019 may use a comparison to 2020 for the purpose of credit.
Health insurance cost can also be added to arrive at employee wages for the quarter.
How to claim the ERC credit?
Amend form 941 by filing form 941X for all the quarters that you are eligible to claim the credit. It is fully refundable credit. IRS will issue you a refund check after they process 941X.
Step to follow:
- Find out if the business is eligible to claim the credit – Business Suspended or 50% reduction in revenue for the quarter compared to same quarter in 2019 for 2020 and more than 20% reduction in 2021.
- Compute the credit – 50% of wages for 2020, maximum of $5,000 and 70% of wages or maximum of $7,000 per employee
- Compile all the required documents – Quarterly payroll summary by employee, income statement, evidence to support shutdown, etc.
- Fill out form 941X
- Send it to IRS with copy of 941 originally filed.
Refund might take a while to arrive. It might take about 6-9 months. In case of audit it might take longer. All the supporting documents will come
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