7 Days and 30 Days Rental Rules
Seven Days and Thirty Days Rental Rules Seven days rental rule allows real estate owners to claim the loss from the rental activates to offset the loss against other earned income. In simply put, If a property is rented for an average of 7 days or less then owners will be eligible for tax-deductible losses. For example if the property was rented for 132 days during the year and it was rented for 22 times. The average rental period will be 6 days. You are eligible to deduct the rental loss from your income. (Treas. Reg. Sec. 1.469-1T(e)(3)(ii)(A)). Likewise if it is rented for average period of 30 days or less and services are provided to the renters, rental income is active income. The rule says if it is rented for 7 days or less and in case of 30 days or less with substantial service, the activity is not a rental activity. It is worthwhile take note that it is a favorable provision of tax law for owner of vacation rentals. Generally the owner does not participat...