
Showing posts with the label Marketing

Marketing for Small Business

 Marketing Mantra Marketing is generally views as the activities a business conduct to promote the buying or selling of its product or services. In other words it is a process by which business sends out the message to the customers or prospective customers about the availability, price, and usage of the product for their information so that customer can be aware of the availability of the product in the market, its usability and the target customer can make buying or selling decision. On high level, I look at marketing as two faced phenomenon, short term marketing and brand creation. Short term marketing can be done via fancy ads and paid promotions that will create you market for a short run that can make you money and bring you clients. And brand creation gives your sustainability and growth. Both have equal values. Let’s think about short term marketing strategies, will short term marketing sustain your business? Will it bring your business the clients you expected? Will it sat...